In the contemporary world, the real estate industry is flourishing and attracting investors all over the world. This industry has been in great demand, whether in the public or private sectors, particularly when it comes to real estate appraisals. This sector necessitates a great deal of attention because it is one of the most significant aspects of the real estate market.
As real estate appraisals involve lots of back-office data entry tasks which require a significant amount of time and effort, outsourcing these tasks can improve the overall productivity of real estate appraisers. But finding a reliable and cost-effective data entry company, specialized in real estate appraisals, is the primary problem for real estate appraisers. So with this understanding, at Mind Spring Technology, we try to solve this problem by providing real estate appraisal data entry services with maximum accuracy, the fastest turnaround, and at an affordable rate. We serve 24x7, 365 days a year, so we are there for you whenever you need us.
Why outsourcing your appraisal data entry work to Mind Spring Technology is beneficial?
It is beneficial because as we manage comprehensive back-office appraisal data input, the real estate appraiser can focus on extending their business opportunities and add new clients. So ultimately this is a win-win situation for all.
Cost Reduction
Files Free
Reports Completed
Satisfied Customers
Experience Years’
Fastest Turnaround time
Data Entry Experts Team
Our 24-hour solution is trusted by clients around the world, including both small and large-scale real estate appraisal firms. Our team of 50+ appraisal data entry specialists is competent enough to accurately enter data into appraisal reports, such as inspection sheet data, subject details, comps, listings, sketches, and so on, in accordance with current U.S. real estate regulations. By providing these fast and accurate real estate appraisal data entry services, we have helped more than 100 real estate appraisers to significantly reduce their data entry cost, improve productivity and ultimately expand their business.
For new clients, we also offer free-of-cost appraisal data entry for the first three files, to help them review our services without any monetary risk and build trust.
We are expertise in accurately processing real estate appraisal reports for
Single family homes or 1004 URAR type Reports
Multi family homes or 1025 Multi-Plex Reports
Exterior only or 2055 Reports
Condominium unit or 1073/1075 reports
Single family rental property or 1004 URAR + 1007 reports
Manufactured home or 1004C reports.
Our real estate appraisal data entry services include:
Order form
On page #1 of all reports:
Subject section
Neighborhood section
Contract section
Location maps
Plat map
We also add subject photos (if given by client) and also try to label them
We also add comp photos given by client or we can download photos from the MLS site.
Sketch (Provided in inspection sheet)
Project information section (in case of condo appraisals)
Complete Comparable sales grid section
Template file
MLS/County sheet for subject & all comparables
Subject field inspection sheet
Floor plan (sketch)
1004MC data (if avialble)
Contract or PUD details (if applicable).
Alabama | Kentucky | North Dakota |
Alaska | Louisiana | Ohio |
Arizona | Maine | Oklahoma |
Arkansas | Maryland | Oregon |
California | Massachusetts | Pennsylvania |
Colorado | Michigan | Rhode Island |
Connecticut | Minnesota | South Carolina |
Delaware | Mississippi | South Dako |
Dist. of Columbia | Missouri | Tennessee |
Florida | Montana | Texas |
Georgia | Nebraska | Utah |
Hawaii | Nevada | Vermont |
Idaho | New Hampshire | Virginia |
Illinois | New Jersey | Washington |
Indiana | New Mexico | West Virginia |
Iowa | New York | Wisconsin |
Kansas | North Carolina | Wyoming |